Hearing and Brain Health

Are you concerned about preserving your cognitive health until later life?

The Lancet Journal has identified hearing loss as the #1 modifiable factor for the prevention of dementia. ‘Modifiable’ meaning there is something you can do about it.

More than just a minor nuisance, research shows that untreated hearing loss is linked with an increased dementia risk of between 200 to 500 percent.

This Amazon best-selling book, Hearing and Brain Health, explores the physical and mental impact associated with untreated hearing loss, and how to overcome the common barriers to addressing it – and why it’s crucial that you do.

About the Author, Andrew Campbell

Andrew Campbell is a Masters trained, independent adult rehabilitation specialist audiologist, and a pioneer in the field of cognitive health and hearing. His passion is to help patients return to a fuller participation in life. As a leader in hearing health care and audiological sciences, Andrew takes a holistic approach to hearing health. He inspires audiences across the world to address their hearing issues to protect the brain and to allow them to live flourishing lives without limitation.

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